
Reunion of CKSH_86

Thanks to Linda and Piggy's huge effort, we have a wonderful gathering @ 公館.
Look at the picture! We have papa, journalist, quasi-Master, accountant, high school teacher, and sales of insurance & FMCG. Can't be more diversified I bet!

By sharing new life story w/ each other and teasing each other, it's easy to go back to the high school memory-- our white shirt and black pants, our classroom, our decoration...

I'm so proud of CKSH, no matter how people rank it. Not just because of its fashioned uniform, not just because of its little campus space, it's my purest and most Innocent years! The club experience and the process of exam preparation are full of fun & honors that built up my confidence and dignity. You know what? In my years, we never take other debate clubs of so-called star high school seriously. In my young & simple mind, our tradition and our alumni resource could be over the fear of inability. Life is so simple and sure at that time-- my high school life.
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