








總而言之~我剛剛使用了一下之後,覺得一陣酥麻!!就像使用了免治馬桶一樣的感受! 牙齦被沖刷過的感覺實在太舒暢了!
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[Share] Getting to Yes

Occasionally, I had breakfast with Tony in the following morning of national sales meeting party. We talked about what we read recently and shared some cool places or ways to get latest and widest information or hit books. As I ask if there is any book that he would highly recommend to me, he answered with no hesitating-- Getting to yes--.

"Getting to Yes" was wrote by Ury, William and Fisher, Roger. Ury is a negotiation expert who had wrote 3 books to talk about how to communicate with people and then make deals. Getting to yes is first one in the series and also the popular one.

For me, the most important part in the book is being open to any possibility instead of locked in my own position in order to prevent positional bargaining. To be open is key to transform positional bargaining to principle bargaining, and we can even change the game furthermore!

To have a best alternative plan is also a very inspiring idea for me. By means of that, I can always aware to my bottom line and my bargaining power then communicate to people with humble but confident attitude.

Over all speaking, this is a very useful tool book. I borrowed from library and plan to buy one as my personal collection!


5904 寶雅(櫃)

Buy and Hold till $35

Key watch out:

Change of major stock holder's share.
2. Ex-right and Ex-dividend date on 7/17

Value Side
Sales growth rate 0708: 19%
Sales growth rate 0708 is reasonable and frankly meet my understanding. The main reason should be expanding branches aggressively in 0708. However, 0809 is comparatively uncertain due to:
Negative factors:
1. 2nd global financial crisis is brewing.
2. CCI (consumer confidence index) drops 0.67 point on June' 09
Positive factors:
1. (5904) still have expanding plan.
2. Despite all uncertainties, TW stock market surged in P3M which brings wealth effect.

Account Receivable Mar' 09 IYA: 45
Which is a good sign, AR growth rate far behind sales growth rate means sales growth in POYA is generously healthy.

Cash per share:$4.475

Dividends per share:
$1.8 (given long-term growth rate is 6%) can bring in PV $30

Stock price after ex- date(dividend $1.8 & right $1.8):

*: From 98/06/04 Apple Daily


Circle of Competence

Warren Buffett's belief that an investor's best
strategy is to select an area where they can know significantly more than the average investor (called their circle of competence), and focus their efforts on that area.
This content can be found on the following page:


I love and believe the point. Which is also one reason or motivation drives me choose and prioritize my career. In my few investment experiences, I prove the thought several times. To know your stock is sometimes similar to know your customer. You have to realize their biz model, KPI, target and limitation, and then you can make right decision right.

FMCG is a matured industry but full of possibilities and opportunities. There are sophisticated but hetrohomogeneous trade term, disciplined but flexible system. Meanwhile, the relationship between upstream and downstream is very subtle and dynamic. I am so happy to be a participant in the industry. Just amazing!
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